I am a molecular virologist interested in the interface between ecology, and virus-host interactions. I have a background in spatial epidemiology and have worked with infectious disease modelers and public health experts. I received my PhD in Molecular Virology from the University of St Andrews, Scotland. I moved to the US in 2016 for my postdoctoral training at the NEIDL, Boston University, and then in 2018 transferred to the Center for Vaccine Research, University of Pittsburgh.

I moved to Indianapolis in September 2022 to begin my journey as an Independent Principal Investigator.

Natasha Louise Tilston-Lunel, Ph.D.

Where did I come from ?

The Elliott Lab on top of Sgurr a' Chaorachain, Scotland 1st Oct ‘13. (Ph.D. 2011-2015)

The Duprex Lab on Duquesne Heights, Pittsburgh 26th Aug ‘22. (Postdoc. 2016-2022)

My personal mission

I am a bi-racial, first-generation faculty member. First-gen, a word I’ve only recently learnt! Growing up in India in the 90s and oscillating between hard and comfortable financial times, I’m acutely aware of how skewed our society is for those more privileged. Unfortunately, there isn’t a level playing field, and I’m not sure I’d be here right now if it weren’t for my parents who made sacrifices so I could have opportunities and for mentors who saw my potential and encouraged me. As I have now transitioned in my academic role from mentee to mentor, I will pass on the opportunities I was given and will do everything I can to help a future generation of diverse scientists.

I live by the saying “if you aren’t having fun, you aren’t doing it right”. Science is fun, and our lab will be a fun and welcoming place to work.